A Tangible Shadow

I imagine the direction of where it goes, while I draw it on a paper. I imagine where it starts, and where it ends up. It is flat, but also contains an endless dimension. They come across, meanwhile detached. On a piece of white sheet, it opens my mind to make choices for them. When the sheet is broken, goes into transparent and enterable, the imagination of the drawing is also broken. It suddenly turns into reachable, touchable, and concrete. It could be above you, beside you, around you, or beyond you. You are into the story, become a part of it.

The piece of ‘A Tangible Shadowis based on my practice of drawings. Drawing for me, is a way starting a story; a line in a drawing starts its direction, brings its plane. It could be light or heavy, could be simple or complicated, could be fragile or tough. When I worked in this specific space/location, I decided its heaviness, its direction, its texture, and its color. It is tangible, and starts to communicate with the space.





deformed steel barsPaint螺纹钢油漆

Located at the Sifang Collective in Nanjing 装置位于南京四方当代艺术中心

Photo by Guo Bo摄影郭波



Installation view | 装置现场